Post processing Techniques and software



Any Vision – A Lightroom plugin that uses Google Cloud Vision to analyze your images and suggest keywords for it.

Wordroom – Another Lightroom plugin that suggests keywords for the images in your catalog

Photerloo Instagram Hashtag & Keyword Generator – A web site that lets you upload a photo and then suggests keywords or hashtags for it. Works surprisingly well. While not strictly Lightroom related, it’s a good way to get the ideas going.

List of Lightroom presets by Photolemur. Paid and free.

File Management

Validator: A Lightroom Plugin for Verifying Image Files

Luminosity Masks

TK Actions v5 resources – Tony Kuypers launch page for information on using his TK Actions Photoshop panels for creating luminosity masks

Photoshop techniques

The Ultimate Guide To The Frequency Separation Technique


Adobes intro videos on working with Premiere Pro